Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Seaside Editorial

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One step onto Cannon Beach, and I knew this shoot was going to be extraordinary. But why wouldn't it be? After all I would be videotaping the beautiful and extraordinary model Rosemary Datz. The air on this day wasn't cold, but it wasn't that nice warm breezy air you love to romp around and stroll the beach on either. This concerned me because our scantly dressed model is thin and I just didn't want goose-bumps showing all over her body, nor did I know if the photographers; Garry Kettleson and Peter Jensen, had plans of submerging her or putting her into the surf? Rosemary began to organize her wardrobe, without any mention or regard to the coolness of that day. And what I captured on video was nothing short of the stellar performance I had witnessed when I were first introduced to Rosemary by Garry.

Cannon Beach is very beautifully surrounded by ocean front hotels and chalets that give it a small town feel. But what is most interesting about this particular beach are the haystacks, just off the surf. These huge lays of rocks have become residence to many of the ocean birds and seals. Shot just right and you are guaranteed capture some amazing photos. The weather could have stood  to be a tad bit warmer, and I worried about Rosemary having goose bumps be present or her shivering on the camera. Furthermore I had no idea if Rosemary would be entering the surf or not, which meant that I would be going into the surf in order to capture it on video. My task was to capture video and produce a useable editorial. As the two photographers Garry Kettleson and Peter Jensen of Vancouver B.C. alternated shooting Rosemary, I tried to stay out of their frame and produce useable video. I was a bit nervous because this would be my first opportunity to get footage with my Nikon D800. I stayed on task and did not worry  about shooting any photos. I did between wardrobe changes, did take an opportunity to shoot a few landscape scenics because this place was just too captivating not to. I had driven the 101 and saw the haystacks from the highway, and I always wondered if it was possible to get close to them. I found the answer.
after capturing the footage and spending the day with such an amazing model who moved so fluid-like in front of my lens, I now had to do my part and after weeks of reviewing the footage and pondering how I would use it best, I presented Rosemary with the video I created and she told me it was absolutely gorgeous.  I have to agree with her because she did such an incredible job, and so did the photographers. The photo of Rosemary walking  on the beach is courtesy of Garry. He and Peter were also very please with how the photo shoot turned out for them as well. So all in all, I think everyone did what they needed to do and did it quite well. I am looking forward to working with Rosemary as often as possible whenever her busy schedule can make time for it. I continue to work with Garry and Peter and have more video footage to work on as a result. This is just another milestone reached as I continue to reinvent my wheel. 

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